Update on Eye-Fi Bricking their older cards

blog August 10th, 2016



I received this in my email tonight:

UPDATE: Information Regarding “End of Life” (EOL) of X2 and Prior Generation Products

We have started work on a new desktop software utility designed to enable impacted cards to continue operating beyond the previously announced EOL date of September 15, 2016.  The new software is called the “Eye-Fi X2 Utility” (X2U) and will be provided free of charge as a download.

The X2U will enable cards impacted by the EOL to transfer images to a desktop computer via an Infrastructure or Direct network connection.  The utility will be made available in early August on the Mac (OS X) platform.  We are also exploring the feasibility of offering the X2U on the Windows platform but are unable to commit to availability at this time.  We will provide updates should this situation change.
X2U will be a one-time release provided to enabled continued use of an EOL impacted card for desktop transfer only on a transitional basis.  The utility will not have the full capabilities of Eye-Fi Center and/or Eye-Fi View.  ALL other Eye-Fi provided software will have to be uninstalled prior to installing the X2U on a supported device.  The company will provided X2U documentation and knowledge base but no help desk support, no warranty and restrictive terms of service.
More information about this project will be available in this Community section the week of August 8th.
[image credit: eye-fi]

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