Jul - 22nd


Posted at 6:24 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

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May - 11th

Sidewalk Reading, San Francisco

Posted at 5:30 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

I caught this on my walk home last week. I don’t know if the reader was planning on coming back and was saving the place or not.

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Apr - 4th


Posted at 6:00 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo

Playing around with my LOMO LC-A+, Fuji SuperHQ 100 film.

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Jun - 13th


Posted at 11:09 pm | Filed Under film, lomo

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Jun - 5th

Closed for Business

Posted at 5:05 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

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Jun - 4th

Lifeguard Shack

Posted at 12:43 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo

No cross processing, just plain ol’ C-41 processing with no color correction requested.

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May - 27th

Window Reflection, SOMA

Posted at 7:23 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

I bought 10 rolls of expired Fuji Superia Reala 100 from the Lomographic Society. It’s been a while since I shot with Reala, but I can’t see any significant degradation in color. Maybe it’s not that expired, after all?

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May - 25th

Projector 2, San Francisco

Posted at 2:42 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo

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May - 24th

Projection Room

Posted at 7:49 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo

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May - 23rd

Bicyclist on Townsend, SOMA SF

Posted at 6:51 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

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May - 21st

Cube Light LOMO

Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

Another quick snap on my lunch hour in SOMA district, San Francisco. I scanned this one from the print instead of using York Photo‘s online scans.

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May - 20th

Sidewalk LOMO series – SOMA district, San Francisco

Posted at 6:25 pm | Filed Under art, lomo

Another sidewalk series photo from the SOMA district in San Francisco. I’ve walked the same streets and alleys in SOMA continually for 15 years and am amazed at the things I see for the first time when looking through the viewfinder.

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May - 2nd

Phone Line

Posted at 7:36 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo

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Apr - 29th

Don’t think, just shoot

Posted at 7:19 am | Filed Under art, film, journal

This LOMO mantra’s been getting easier for me – since I’ve been growing my hair longer and spring breezes are here, I’m having a hard time looking through the viewfinder without my hair getting in the way of the lens or the viewfinder! I shot a roll of some generic $.99 cent store ISO 200 […]

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Apr - 13th

Persnickety cameras…

Posted at 6:09 pm | Filed Under film, journal

My LOMO LC-A has had problems intermittently on the tail-end of the roll. It takes more and more effort to wind the film on, then at frame 18 or so the mechanism slips. It happened again so I shorted the roll and opened it up. It seems the take-up reel has cracked in a couple […]

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