Jan - 14th


Posted at 11:22 pm | Filed Under film

I’d wanted one of these for a while. I’m rediscovering film photography and wanted to shoot with a diopter adjustment on the viewfinder, so I could shoot without glasses. I thought it would be interesting to have the clear view be through the viewfinder and the view outside the camera be fuzzy.

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May - 2nd

One Hour Photo

Posted at 2:32 am | Filed Under film

There’s a critically endangered species in the world of photography businesses: the one-hour photo shop. With the decline of film developing and photo printing, the one-hour photo niche has become the single fastest-dying business in the United States. How bad is it? There are only 190 of the shops still open in the whole country. […]

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Jul - 18th

Still Life Chair

Posted at 4:30 pm | Filed Under film

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Jul - 17th

“BoB” and Connie

Posted at 9:12 pm | Filed Under film, lomo

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Jul - 10th

First Frame

Posted at 11:07 am | Filed Under film

  I used to be in the habit of shooting 3 frames into the palm of my hand when loading film. A while ago I started shooting as soon as the film was loaded to see what would turn out. This was one of those weird leader shots before the film took.

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Jun - 17th


Posted at 11:24 pm | Filed Under film, lomo

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Jun - 15th

Tiny Small Box

Posted at 2:01 am | Filed Under film, lomo

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Jun - 15th

Choose Film

Posted at 1:48 am | Filed Under film

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Mar - 30th

Arch, Redux

Posted at 7:19 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo

Yesterday’s post reminded me of an old LOMO photo I took in 2002.

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Oct - 22nd

Kodachrome – your last chance!

Posted at 5:50 pm | Filed Under film

Dwayne’s Photo would like to remind the world that December 30th, 2010 is the last day of processing for all types of Kodachrome film. Any film that isn’t in their lab by noon that day will be returned undeveloped. If you’re in Europe, Kodak will accept prepaid Kodachrome film pouches until November 30th and forward […]

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Jul - 22nd


Posted at 6:24 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

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Jul - 16th

Hawaii via toy camera

Posted at 7:15 pm | Filed Under film

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May - 18th

Building with Flare

Posted at 5:59 pm | Filed Under art, film

Another city shot taken with my Jazz 207 Jelly camera. It’s rapidly becoming my favorite toy camera. Again. And, my original Jazz post is now #3 on Google searches for “Jazz Jelly”!

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May - 12th

Four Five Two, Jazz Jelly 207

Posted at 6:05 pm | Filed Under film, journal

Shot with a Jazz Jelly 207, fairly high-tech as plastic cameras go. Integral lens cover, built-in flash, small enough to fit in your pocket. Classic plastic wide-angle lensed-goodness, fixed shutter speed. Shoot ISO 200 speed film outdoors. Flash is good for 10 feet if you’re lucky (and shooting ISO 400 speed film). This roll came […]

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May - 11th

Sidewalk Reading, San Francisco

Posted at 5:30 pm | Filed Under art, film, lomo

I caught this on my walk home last week. I don’t know if the reader was planning on coming back and was saving the place or not.

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Apr - 4th


Posted at 6:00 am | Filed Under art, film, lomo

Playing around with my LOMO LC-A+, Fuji SuperHQ 100 film.

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Apr - 3rd

Four Chairs

Posted at 8:01 am | Filed Under art, film

Penmax toy camera, generic 200 ISO film. The Penmax is rapidly becoming one of my favorite toy cameras; it’s very similar to the “TIME Magazine” 35mm cameras. Shutter speed is approximately 1/100th second, a 2-blade diaphragm adjusts to f/8, f/11 and f/16 – and makes truly weird bokeh.

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Apr - 1st

Ciao, digital. Hello, unpredictable art.

Posted at 6:00 pm | Filed Under art, film

From SFGate.com comes this article about the 2010 International Juried Plastic Camera Show at Rayko Photo in Francisco. Plastic cameras are cheap, prone to light leaks and unpredictable. Which is why a lot of photographers are drawn to them in the digital age of pixel counts, precision focus and Photoshop. “You don’t know how the […]

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Mar - 30th


Posted at 6:15 pm | Filed Under art, film

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Mar - 29th

Fire-Water (Happy Accident)

Posted at 6:39 pm | Filed Under art, film

Here’s a happy accident -� I loaded a roll of 36 exposure film. I then (a) thought I was done after exposure 24, and (b) opened the camera back while forgetting to rewind the film first, exposing the film.

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