Jan - 16th
It’s Not The Photographer, It’s The Camera!
Posted at 7:23 pm | Filed Under blog
I enjoy reading the high end DSLR discussion boards on the internet. Those gearheads go ape over minute differences in “chromatic aberration” and “barrel distortion”. They peep at pixels in Photoshop to see if their lens is able to give them a sharp image blown up to the size of the side of a barn. […]
Oct - 10th
Another toy camera – Meikai EL
Posted at 8:12 am | Filed Under film
This is a Meikai EL, circa 1963. Bought on eBay, I was the only bidder! As toy cameras go, this one feels pretty solid. The body is metal and plastic and the leatherette makes it feel like a “real” camera. The film advance is smooth, and there’s an indicator to let you know when the […]
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