Jun - 30th


Posted at 2:48 pm | Filed Under journal


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Apr - 24th

Cardboard Camera from Ikea

Posted at 11:04 pm | Filed Under journal

This cardboard digital camera by IKEA was given away last week to members of the press during the 2012 Fuorisalone, a design expo in Milan. According to IT Gizmodo, the camera can hold up to 40 photos on internal memory, has a USB connector, and will soon be in IKEA stores. via laughingsquid photo via […]

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Dec - 5th


Posted at 6:28 pm | Filed Under journal

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Sep - 23rd


Posted at 8:56 pm | Filed Under journal

“No, you need to rewind the film BEFORE taking the film out!”

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Jul - 21st

New test

Posted at 7:50 pm | Filed Under journal

I started poking around the menus on my Elph 100 HS, and noticed that it’s got a “Toy Camera” mode – looks like it vignettes the shot. I’m torn – there’s a lot more flexibility with an iPhone and the dozens of applications available for it, but sometimes you can’t beat 12 megapixels, 3200 ISO, […]

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Jun - 9th

June 11th Instawalk in San Francisco’s Chinatown

Posted at 6:48 pm | Filed Under journal

An Instawalk is an Instagram themed photo walk. Users are encouraged to shoot, process, and upload their photos as the walk is happening. If you haven’t done one yet, I highly recommend it. It’s a bizarre experience to be seeing what your fellow photographers are seeing as the walk is happening.

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May - 29th


Posted at 12:38 pm | Filed Under journal

Wabi-sabi is the art of finding beauty in imperfection: it values simplicity, uncluttered, underplayed, and modest surroundings. Authenticity is key to wabi-sabi philosophy: the presence of cracks and scratches in things are considered to be symbolic of the passing of time, weather, and loving use–and should be embraced.

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Apr - 1st

Complaining about the iPhone’s camera?

Posted at 6:06 pm | Filed Under art, journal

Kyle Cassidy’s take on the iPhone’s camera, from his iPhonetography site: THE CAMERA THAT COMES WITH THE iPHONE IS TERRIBLE Many people decry it’s smallish megapixel count (3), but really, as any serious digital photographer will tell you, size doesn’t matter. The most frustrating thing about the image that comes from the iPhone is the […]

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Mar - 11th


Posted at 4:21 pm | Filed Under journal

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Jan - 10th

Nostalgia for the Now

Posted at 7:39 pm | Filed Under journal

(Here’s a great article by Peggy Nelson about nostalgia, memories, and how digital media allows us to interpret memories independently of what we capture on media…) Photographs give us the ability to capture what we see, more or less. And apps give us the ability to capture what we wish. So what do we wish […]

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Oct - 6th

The Day My Grandmother Exploded, by Kyle Cassidy

Posted at 6:08 pm | Filed Under art, digital, journal

[via Kyle Cassidy’s Livejournal ] Two weeks ago I got this crazy idea in my head to find a ten year old 1.3 megapixel Leica Digilux and make a series of images with it based on lines people sent me from novels. Well, it’s done. It’s a 24 page booklet called The Day My Grandmother […]

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Sep - 14th

Camerabag, More iPhone Camera Fun

Posted at 6:33 pm | Filed Under art, digital, journal

I had a lot of fun with Hipstamatic, the iPhone camera application that’s taking my Facebook friends list by storm. It does feel odd to buy a $1.99 app to turn my $199 cameraphone into a $2 plastic camera, but there <<are>> benefits to going digital – for less than the cost of a roll […]

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Sep - 9th

Post No Bills

Posted at 11:13 pm | Filed Under journal

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Jul - 15th

First Shot, Third Canonet

Posted at 6:11 pm | Filed Under journal

This is a medium-res scan from a test roll out of my third Canonet QL 17 GIII. It’s been one of my favorite cameras over the years, and one of the best deals out there if you’re looking for a cheap rangefinder. Canon sold lots of them, so there’s spare parts galore. It’s easy to […]

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Jun - 17th

I want to be a photographer someday. Any advice?

Posted at 6:26 pm | Filed Under art, journal

Originally posted by kylecassidy: A Reader Writes: I want to be a photographer someday. Any advice? Yes, lots. Photography is a mixture of Artistic Ability and Technical Skill — the magic of the mix isn’t written in stone. The world is filled with technically proficient but artistically uninspired photographers, there seem to be a smaller […]

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Jun - 5th

iPhonetography, a new Kyle Cassidy project

Posted at 10:30 am | Filed Under journal

http://www.iphonetography.net/ THE CAMERA THAT COMES WITH THE iPHONE IS TERRIBLE Many people decry it’s smallish megapixel count (3), but really, as any serious digital photographer will tell you, size doesn’t matter. The most frustrating thing about the image that comes from the iPhone is the noise. Not audible noise, but digital grain. That, and it’s […]

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May - 22nd

Quiet Carnival

Posted at 1:09 am | Filed Under journal

  Check out Amy’s post, Quiet Carnival. Last Thursday night as I drove home from work, I passed the park during golden hour. Buttery light filtered through the trees and lit up the rides. No more lame reasons. I raced the last few blocks to the house to grab my camera (I had my point […]

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May - 12th

Four Five Two, Jazz Jelly 207

Posted at 6:05 pm | Filed Under film, journal

Shot with a Jazz Jelly 207, fairly high-tech as plastic cameras go. Integral lens cover, built-in flash, small enough to fit in your pocket. Classic plastic wide-angle lensed-goodness, fixed shutter speed. Shoot ISO 200 speed film outdoors. Flash is good for 10 feet if you’re lucky (and shooting ISO 400 speed film). This roll came […]

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May - 8th

Municipal Ordinance 904

Posted at 9:03 pm | Filed Under journal

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Apr - 30th


Posted at 6:39 pm | Filed Under art, journal

I liked the texture and the color on this wheelbarrow, discarded along a deserted street. Sometimes art isn’t where you’re looking for it.

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